21-Day Meditation for Weight Loss Challenge
February 26 – March 18, 2018

21-Day Meditation for Weight Loss Challenge Image


  • 10 Minutes A Day To Transform Your Body
  • Get 21 FREE Meditations for Weight Loss
  • Join A Community of Over 140,000 People Who Have Completed The Challenge
  • Learn from best-selling authors & teachers: Jon Gabriel & Carol Look

Join The Free Challenge & Start Transforming Your Body & Life
February 26 – March 18, 2017

21-Day Meditation Challenge Starts In: 6 years, 5 months, 0 days, 21 hours, 53 minutes, 5 seconds ago

PRIVACY: 100% safe & secure

WEEK 1 : Fitness, Health & Vitality

  • Day 1: Health
  • Day 2: Absorbing Nutrients
  • Day 3: Digestive Flow
  • Day 3: Digestive Flow
  • Day 5: Sending Love
  • Day 6: Healing Energy
  • Day 7: Ideal Body

WEEK 2 : Safety & Weight Loss

  • Day 8: I Am Safe
  • Day 9: Feeling Protected
  • Day 10: Strong and Secure
  • Day 11: Power
  • Day 12: Releasing Fear
  • Day 13: Forgiveness
  • Day 14: Feeling Free

WEEK 3 : Stress Reduction For Weight Loss

  • Day 15: Peace
  • Day 16: Calm Light
  • Day 17: Inner Wisdom
  • Day 18: Success
  • Day 19: Worthy
  • Day 20: Trust
  • Day 21: Abundance